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Active member
Dec 16, 2023
Reaction score
South Shields
Favourite Fishing
I watched a tv programme tonight on bbc 5 about prawn fishing in my local area. when they boated the catch the amount of imature fish (WASTE ) was alarming.!
and apparently these boats are out 7 days a week. how any government can let this go on is crazy.
no wonder the fish stocks are on rock bottom. as they say up north it really boiled my piss
D.S.J. 🦀
It all comes under the term Bycatch John.
Yep, it's wrong, but I don't see how it can be avoided, especially with fishing for smaller things like Prawns.
I don't eat Prawns, but as long as there is a demand for them, 'bycatch' is going to happen.
It all comes under the term Bycatch John.
Yep, it's wrong, but I don't see how it can be avoided, especially with fishing for smaller things like Prawns.
I don't eat Prawns, but as long as there is a demand for them, 'bycatch' is going to happen.
Easily avoided.
Stop fishing with nets, dredgers and electric.
The prawn you’re referring to are langustines, or Dublin Bay Prawn. They can easily be caught with creels and the fleet doesn’t need to trawl for them. However, until such time as they ban trawlers from the most productive areas, then creel boats haven’t got a chance.
I watched a tv programme tonight on bbc 5 about prawn fishing in my local area. when they boated the catch the amount of imature fish (WASTE ) was alarming.!
and apparently these boats are out 7 days a week. how any government can let this go on is crazy.
no wonder the fish stocks are on rock bottom. as they say up north it really boiled my piss
D.S.J. 🦀

That`s a superb idea, put our creel fishermen out of work and give our hard earned to vietnam and thailand
You’re missing the point..👍
You’re missing the point..👍

No I`m not, original post was trawled prawns and the waste of the bycatch. You suggested importing farmed crap from overseas. In Scotland there are still a lot of creel boats that catch them so imports of cheap farmed crap would drop the prices and put them out of business, the creel boats who do little harm to the sea bed or have a massive bycatch. You just seem to like farmed shite
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The freshwater prawn industry has one of the worst environmental impacts known. High input aquaculture is no solution whatsoever.
As does the salmon industry based in lochs and fiords.
At least the freshwater prawn industry is thousands of miles away and fucks up other countries, still it’s a great way of getting rid of human waste.
I’m not educated in high level arguments or hypotheses however I will say that coincidentally the angling has improved in my neck of the woods since various bans with drift netting, closed seasons etc but I think the biggest impact for regeneration has been the construction of offshore wind farms and the no go zone in amongst them for commercial based fishing? Or is that coincidental?
I’m not educated in high level arguments or hypotheses however I will say that coincidentally the angling has improved in my neck of the woods since various bans with drift netting, closed seasons etc but I think the biggest impact for regeneration has been the construction of offshore wind farms and the no go zone in amongst them for commercial based fishing? Or is that coincidental?
Do we have bans for fishing in this country then.?..
Thought it was a free for all..
The freshwater prawn industry has one of the worst environmental impacts known. High input aquaculture is no solution whatsoever.
It’s basically a choice between no fish in the water or farming of fish species.
Most creel caught Langoustines in Scotland are exported for alot higher price than what you would pay for them in this country, we tend to have the crap they dont export unless you pay top dollar. More than Two thirds of the worlds Langoustines come from Scotland.
Most creel caught Langoustines in Scotland are exported for alot higher price than what you would pay for them in this country, we tend to have the crap they dont export unless you pay top dollar. More than Two thirds of the worlds Langoustines come from Scotland.
Same as lobsters.. exported live and exported to Europe.
Do we have bans for fishing in this country then.?..
Thought it was a free for all..
Yeah Flappy we have bans.
Drift net bans, prohibited areas around wind farms and areas of specific interest, closed seasons and mesh minimum sizes all contribute a little towards the greater good!
I am going to stick my neck out and say that we are also partly to blame and some so called “anglers” need to be educated in realistic bag limits and fish minimum sizes.
Along with the keep all”matches” we used to hold to find piles of dead dogs and smoothies on the beach afterwards, I’m guilty in the past but have learned.
Charter boats of old…we used to look at pics of anglers up their knees in fish, thinking back what would have happened to that lot?
Just saying…
It’s basically a choice between no fish in the water or farming of fish species.
Issue with that is the biomass that is removed from the oceans to feed the fish farm stocks. Look at the fish farms in the North African desert. Saline aquifers feeding them water, but harvested sandeel and other baitfish that’s ground up to feed the bass and black bream