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Gonna give it a go.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
Reaction score
County Durham
Favourite Fishing
Right lads I'm after info on lure fishing gear and what to get. I went to the local tackle shop last week and was going to get a Shimano 50gm rod and a 4000 class reel for £120 and asked the lad in the shop to put it to one side for me for this week as I didn't have any cash or card with me last week. Went to get it and was told the other lad that works there sold it yesterday 🤬. They won't be getting them in till 2 weeks time. I was talking to a mate earlier and he recommended going to go out doors never been in there before😲. Going to pop down tomorrow morning and have a look. What should I be looking for? The ground I'll be fishing will be mixed to sandy. I'll be targeting bass and whatever comes along. My local beach chucks out a few decent bass over the winter months on bait while targeting cod, so I'm figuring they'll be about in the summer as well if not I'll travel. A bit of advice on what type of braid , lures, rod and reel would be greatly appreciated. I'm not bothered about the cost of lures and stuff I've got my boat money off the last 4 weeks to spend. Oh I almost forgot I've been watching a few videos on YouTube ie slippy limpets and fishing with call and a bloke called grant something I forget his name, they make it look easy but I know it's far from it.
Cheers for any info 👍.
So many decent rods available that I’d have difficulty recommending one for you. Have a look at savage gear ones for starters. You only want a 8-35 gram casting weight rod to begin with, you can expand later if you get into it big time. Look on Henry Gilbey’s blog, plenty of good advice there.
Get a Shimano reel and look after it, by far the best make imo.
Buy a top water lure like a Patchinko 125
DoLive are great soft plastic lures in white.
And some savage gear seeker metals.
Braid is a minefield, but buy as good a quality 8 strand as possible.