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South East Pre-dawn dogging - Pett Level 13/04/24


Well-known member
May 15, 2021
Reaction score
Hastings East Sussex
Favourite Fishing
First sea fishing report for a fair while! So wifey has been badgering me for a bass for her tea, telling me that I’ve spent quite enough time after carp, so with my marching orders given, I headed down the beach yesterday armed with my trusty lug pump to collect some fresh worms for the first bass jaunt of the season. There were plenty of casts littering the shore line temporarily uncovered by a spring low, but on pumping the first cast, I found surprisingly little suction… I hadn’t serviced the pump this season and the washers had perished! Over dryer sand I could hardly suction anything up at all!

Not a great start…

I managed to tighten the bottom nut enough that I could get enough suction on the wetter, more gloopy sand and managed to collect just enough bait for a few hours, now looking for an old flip flop to make a new internal washer from (got that from YouTube!)

The alarm went off bright and early at 4am, and I grabbed the gear and trundled my way down to Pett Level. On arrival, the tide was higher than I’d like, but as 4-8am were the only hours available to me, they would have to do.

Both rods were rigged with clipped down 2 hook rigs with 2/0 hooks and baited with lugworm and cast out onto a Sandy gully between rocks. Top hooks were baited with some wrapped lug I’d brought the day before as a back up, bottom hooks baited with fresh lug. Leads were 4oz grippers which was plenty in the conditions. Then I sat back and watched the sun rise over the land of @Shirleycodlin
IMG_9726.jpegIMG_9722.jpegI am not usually too confident fishing the tide so high here, as I’d generally not had any luck, but this morning the tips were bouncing within minutes. IMG_9725.jpegDogfish! IMG_9729.jpegAnd anotherIMG_9731.jpegthen another IMG_9732.jpegthen anotherIMG_9730.jpegone more for luck… I was thoroughly enjoying my dogging session, getting plenty of bites with a few missed too, the sea bed must be paved with them!

Oh, a pesky spiky sea rat came to interrupt my dogfish session… IMG_9721.jpegas the tide dropped away, I found a dogfish cut off in a rock pool, so managed to catch it and let it go in the open sea, with my last few casts, I managed to snag yet another…

Dogfish! IMG_9735.jpegBass secured and bait all gone, it was time for home.
Great report outchy, nice to see you on the beach again mate, and a nice haul of fish too. Nice one.. 🎣 🎣

Pre-Dawn Dogging, I got all excited again when i saw Dogging in the title.. 🤣 🤣

Are those the Leeda Rods you had off of me ouchy, or do you have new ones mate, can't quite make them out..?

Still the Leeda rods mate, I won’t be parting with them! They are perfect for my patch of shore line which is mainly clean sand/clay with the Diawa 7HT multis attached.

Note to self, the coasters need some WD40!
Great report & photos Ouchy. Well done matey. Good to see you back dangling in the salty stuff again!
Plenty of Woof Woof action and the target Bass achieved! 🎣🎣👍👍
Well I’ve just spent a nice half hour refurbishing my lug pump with brand new flip flop washers, it could suck a golf ball through a garden hose now!

Really shouldn’t leave it 5yrs to service it next time 🙄
My partner Karen can do that.. 🤣 🤣

My mrs asked me about this.. she said it was weird as it was the wrong way around..🙄
One of life's mysteries isn't it.. :eek:
