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North Wales A quick report before I do it all again.

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
After the previous week’s massive springs, things were getting back to normal last week, with rapidly dropping tides. How this would affect the fishing remained to be seen though :unsure:. As usual, first off for me was Tuesday night and with low tide 90 minutes after sunset on a 28ft tide, I was feeling confident (y). Conditions were stunning with a glass calm sea and a sunset to die for :cool: but the fishing started off very slowly, however once it got dark things started to slowly improve, as the bass began feeing on the surface. In an effort to tempt them, I tried several top-water lures, but when this didn’t work I decided on a complete change of tack. This paid dividends almost immediately, when my Wave Worm was hit on only the second cast. A short scrap later and I was off the mark, but with the fish only being around the 32cm mark, it was shaken off the hook in the water, stupidly before I remembered to take a picture! 🤦‍♂️

Despite my silly mistake, I was still chuffed to catch and I vowed to remember a picture the next time 😄.

I fished on with renewed confidence now but things had gone quiet again, and it was to be another hour before I saw any more action. When it came it gave me quite a shock as my SF125 in Ghost Anchovy was absolutely smashed 😲. Now it’s been a long while since I’ve had such a bite, so I was surprised that the culprit wasn’t bigger, but I was still happy with my second fish of the night at around 40cm 😊.
Bass - 142 2023.jpg

It was getting late by now but I could hear the fish feeding in better numbers, so I stayed a little longer until I was rewarded again, with the best fish of the night at 52cm 🥳.
Bass - 143 2023.jpg

I called it a night soon after that and headed home to hatch my plan for Thursday night’s session.

2 days later and I was back out on the hunt for silver, conditions were spot on again but with a smaller tide of only 25 foot, and low water not until 23:00, I wasn’t as confident of catching. My concerns proved to be well founded, and in 5 and a half hours of fishing I didn’t get a single touch 😭.

So I’m still short of my target, but with building tides I’m confident it won’t be much longer. I did think the same last week though 🤪 and I guess only time will tell if I’m proven wrong again.
Great report and pics mate, some nice spikeys as well... 🎣 🎣
